Blue Water secures North East Link logistics contract in Australia

Blue Water secures North East Link logistics contract in Australia
Artist impression aerial of North East Link Tunnel portal and Bulleen Road, Victoria's Big Build; Photo Blue Water Shipping

Logistics services provider Blue Water Shipping has secured a ‘large infrastructure logistics’ contract on one of Australia’s largest road projects, the North East Link project. Valued at €9.7 billion, the project will connect key growth areas in Melbourne, improve transport connections and enhance local infrastructure.

After over a year of thorough planning and collaboration, Blue Water has been chosen to offer a comprehensive range of logistics services. These services include warehouse management, warehouse management systems, and transportation from the warehouse to the project site.

“Securing the logistics contract for the North East Link project is a testament to our commitment to providing bespoke solutions to meet the unique requirements of major infrastructure projects. We look forward to contributing to such a transformational project,” said Rebecca Peat, State Manager Vic/Tas at Blue Water.

The North East Link project is being delivered by the Spark Consortium, a group of world-leading contractors and operators, including WeBuild, GS Engineering and Construction, and CPB Contractors. Construction commenced in 2022 and is anticipated to finish by 2028.

Author: PCJ Editorial

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